How are Supply Chain Issues Affecting Stillion Industries?

If you have purchased machine shop services, Electro Arc metal disintegrators, or Ames Portable Hardness Testers from us this year, chances are you have noticed an increase in our prices.  Stillion Industries, being a machine shop relies on a number of supplies which have increased exponentially in cost over the last two years.  Supply chain issues have forced us to explore new avenues for sourcing raw materials and new suppliers for components we use to build our Electro Arc line of machines. As a customer of ours, you have likely experienced these cost changes yourself.  Of course, most companies across the board have raised prices regardless of the industry.  Not only has the cost of materials increased, but the wait time for those materials has become extended.  In some cases, we have had to explore new solutions for components, execute upgrades or discontinue product offerings in our Electro Arc product line. Since purchasing Electro Arc in 2019 we have upgraded the disintegrating head connector because one component was no longer available.  Our auto feed boards have also been upgraded due to the same issue with the boards used in the auto feed option.  As a result, we ended up redesigning the boards completely.  We have discontinued several of Electro Arc’s metal disintegrating models and components such as the X-2 DC portable disintegrating metal disintegrator and the pancake head which is in the process of being redesigned due to similar issues. One of the biggest challenges we have faced due to supply chain issues is the lack of availability of small but critical components for items like our transformers which are an absolute necessity to the overall machine design.  We have pursued new designs and alternative sources to continue producing these machines but it has also required continual price increases as we continue exploring development options and product revisions. We know we are not the only company experiencing these challenges and appreciate the patience of our customers as we do our best to navigate these ever-changing issues.  As the Michigan Manufacturing Association mentions in their recent article about adapting to Global Supply Chain Issues it doesn’t look like we can expect the market to correct itself swiftly.  Multiple factors contributed to the collapse of the system we were used to and continue to play a part in.